Make Christmas 2023 more prosperous for retailers than 2022

Retail centre and BID managers may be looking at Christmas 2022 and thinking it could have gone better. Perhaps there should have been more of an attraction to draw in visitors and encourage more retail spend.

Planning for Christmas attractions starts quite early in the year. In spring and early summer the outlook for retail sales didn’t look as bleak as it became. If retail centres had known then what they know now, they might have decided to invest in a festive lighting spectacle to attract more visitors. It could have given people the ‘feelgood lift’ they needed.

How does Christmas 2023 look?

All the signs point to difficult economic conditions for 2023. Goldman Sachs is predicting a 1% contraction of the UK economy. Next Christmas the stakes will be even higher for retail centres.

If you entice people in, they will spend money. A festive lighting display is a great way to do this. It will probably cost less to install and run than you think. And there are ways to spread the cost over several years if you partner with The Festive Lighting Company (TFLC).

The easier route to a prosperous Christmas 2023

Lack of time and expertise in key areas such as health and safety needn’t get in the way. Christmas 2023 can be a much bigger event and commercial success than 2022. We can take care of everything for you.

We carry out detailed site surveys, design your display and organise manufacturing, installation and testing. We keep you fully informed so you’re still in control – but without having to do any of the hard work or chase deadlines.

When the festive period ends, we can also take down your display and keep it in secure storage ready for the following year.

So why not start preparing for a successful Christmas 2023 right now? It seems a long way off but time goes quickly. And maybe the best time to act is while it’s all still fresh in your mind.

Call The Festive Lighting Company on 01823 667788 or email and let’s get planning for prosperity.

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